Don’t end a personal essay with a question

Don't conclude with a question

Being creative with a personal essay is tricky because you want to make sure your essay stands out from the crowd so to speak. But you also want to make sure that what you write serves the purpose of a personal essay, which is to convey something about you, your background, how you think, your writing style, etc.

By ending a personal essay with a question, you take yourself out of the personal essay and direct precious space to the reader. The reader in this case is someone on the admissions committee of your dream school and they already know what they think, they want to know what you think!

If the question is important to the story or the point you’re making, then write about the question’s topic in the essay. By writing about what you think, you are providing the admissions committee with a chance to get to know you better.

So keep more of you in the essay by leaving the questions out.